What are SoundCloud Likes Exactly?

This one is going to be short.

Some of you may be wondering: What exactly are SoundCloud Likes?

Well, good news! They are almost the exact same as a Facebook like.

Only this one is not for a post or a funny cat image, but for your music 😉

Think about it; A “Like” is a recognition of the quality of your music. It shows that your song resonated with the listener.

And because you were able to pull a snare*, the listener indicated his or her appreciation for your music with a like.

Simply stated a “Like” signals to other users that your music is worth listening too and is something they will appreciate.

No wonder that the more likes your tracks have, the more attention you will receive.

Why does this matter?

Enough likes will result in more plays, even more, “Likes,” and in the end increase your overall exposure.

Hope that I explained the actual value of a SoundCloud like.

Now go out there, create some great music and collect as much “Likes” a possible!


*See what I did there?

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